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Will YIMBY Create Increased Condo Demand?

A recent look at YIMBY vs NIMBY said that a person’s attitude about high-density housing was strongly affected by how urban centers were widely viewed when that person was about 18. Boomers were about 18 years old at a time when urban centers had numerous problems reported. When other generations were 18, urban life was viewed as having more activities, parties, and nightlife. Other generations were 18 when suburbs were claimed to be resource-wasteful and caused excessive ecological damage.

Currently Silicon Valley house prices are growing faster than Silicon Valley condo prices. This could be due to a different proportion of renters vs owners for condos vs. houses. It could be due to houses typically being larger than condos.

It should be noted that increased mortgage interest rates have increased the cost of buying a condo. Flat prices do not mean demand is falling.

Will the attitudes of new generations drive the demand for condos and thus their prices up? More discussion is posted at https://julianalee.com/blog/nimby-yimby-condo-demand/